Radical Receiving Program

Learn the basics of the Wheel of Consent as developed by Dr. Betty Martin.

Would you like a gentle, deep and foundational framework for creating healthy, safe, connected empowered relationships with self and others?

Learning embodied consent skills is pivotal in being able to ask for what you want and set clear boundaries – both professionally and personally.

This program is for you if you desire:

Powerful tools to better communicate what you want and need for a deeper sense of connection and belonging. Uncover your birthright of pleasure.

For Business

If you are interested in being able to effectively obtain agreement in alignment with the values of all involved then this program is for you.

For Professionals

If you are facilitating programs and would like to sharpen and enhance your consent, boundaries and facilitation skills. Embody this work and apply it in your programs and sessions.

The Wheel of Consent

The Wheel of Consent is a model of consent based on, but not requiring, touch.

Through exploring the dynamics in this model you will find clarity around the areas of your life that are not working in order to create something new and enlivening. It will also enhance the areas of life that are currently working.

This work brings ease, sensuality, confidence, self-responsibility and freedom to any touch interactions when you choose to have them.

Understanding and living this work happens through experiencing it in your body. With the practical exercises you will have many aha moments that begin to rewire old unworkable patterns in the brain and body. Taking apart giving and receiving will give you the clarity to generate deeper more authentic connection, communication and collaboration.

Workshop Details

The program is currently a live online program meeting weekly over 6 weeks for two hours. This format allows for practice, reflection, integration and questions between sessions. There will be practices for you to do at home both individually and should you wish paired.

You will be offered the opportunity to play with a number of practices that gently open the pleasure pathways and connect to the reward centres in your brain. These embodied practices will allow you an ease in communication bringing liberating choices decisions and agreements.

Other practices will allow you a deep understanding of the differences of giving and receiving in their passive and active states. The skills available for you to acquire at this program will apply to all your personal and professional relationships.

The art of choosing is at the heart of giving and receiving.

In this program, you will learn to:

  • Notice what you want and how to ask for it
  • Choose from an embodied and empowered place
  • Create strong boundaries around what is yours to be, do and have
  • Increase your capacity for body awareness, pleasure and sensation
  • Enhance and create effective communication personally and professionally
  • Build self sovereignty and increased agency in relationships and interactions.

By participating in this program you will be having some fun co – creating a world of connection to your self, the people who are important to you, your communities and our planet. All the while creating a more pleasurable life for your self.

Is this workshop for me?

This workshop is for you if you are ready to expand, learn more about yourself and are committed to enhancing the quality of your connections personally and professionally.

If you are willing to stop being in the shadow of over giving or over taking and desire to expand your skills and capacities for healthy vibrant connections.

This workshop is not for you if:

  • You wish to stay in the shadow of over giving and burnout, martyr, people pleasing behaviours this program is not for you.
  • You wish to stay in the over taking behaviours of exploitation or entitlement this program is not for you.
  • You are not willing to learn aspects of your shadow self, things in your blind spots this program is not for you.
  • You are not willing to have integrity around noticing you have desires and then communicating them this program is not for you.

Safety is the priority

The container of this program is a safe space and participation in the program sets that as an agreement. You will also learn an entirely new way to experience and create a felt sense of safety in your body.

  • This is a clothes-on workshop.
  • Touch is optional
  • Participation in any of the practices is completely optional including any touch exercises
  • Confidentiality is paramount

Small Groups so Space is Limited

A limit is placed on the number of participants to ensure space is available for transformation.

Everyone is Welcome

All genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities are welcome and celebrated. You may find yourself here as an individual, as a couple in all types of relationships. The skills available for you to acquire at this program will apply to all your personal and professional relationships.

Participation in this workshop includes the agreement all information about participants including their identity is kept confidential.

Your Facilitator

Karen has been facilitating this work in Australia and the US for 5 years. Karen is trauma aware and informed.

Karen Austen is an international speaker, best-selling author, facilitator, coach, and mentor with a deep interest in human potential and a love of all things communication, especially the nervous system. An abrupt end to a 25-year career in criminal justice changed her life drastically. Forced into medical retirement with severe PTSD and extreme burnout, she was told she had a 1 in 5 chance of ever working again. Through studying with masters in the field of Mind Body Medicine, she found the keys to vitality, vibrancy, wellbeing and the capacity to receive all of the abundance and opportunities that are available.

Karen brings an authentic, passionate and inspiring style to personal transformation by utilising wisdom gained from living life to the full, a diverse career in the Criminal Justice System and extensive training and accreditations. Karen has decades of experience facilitating ‘mainstream’ and embodiment training. She is also highly skilled in personal growth, body awareness, mentoring, coaching and facilitating. Her approach to serving her clients revolves around her deep understanding of the scientific and spiritual principles underpinning who we are as human beings.

By using a creative orientation rather than a problem solving orientation you really can have a life of joy, freedom, authenticity and truth. Her mission and her work is to show the past does not have to equal the future and that thriving is possible. Karen is a professional and accredited Trauma Release Provider, HeartMath Provider, Life Coach, Reiki Master, Wheel of Consent Facilitator, Interplay Leader, Performer and StoryTeller.


“Karen’s workshops on consent and presence have been really valuable to myself and my partner in creating more clarity and honesty in our dialogue. I’d thoroughly recommend Karen and her offerings as a rich support on anyone’s journey.”

“Receiving has sometimes been a tricky thing for me to fully embrace, so a workshop on this sounded great, plus Karen felt it would be a good fit too.”

“The topic of radical and conscious receiving sounded very interesting and enriching. I had never thought of touch as a gateway to presence, the new concepts sounded very exciting.”

“Working with Karen has had a profound impact on me. I was burnt out, exhausted, lacking in confidence, feeling stressed and anxious and feeling it was not safe to be my authentic self. Really understanding what it means to give freely and receive radically has been life changing. Karen has helped me grow, feel seen, heard, understood and engergised.”

“Anyone wanting to learn more about: communication, interpersonal skills, inclusive ways of working, obtaining consent, working with integrity would greatly benefit from participating in this program.”

“You had me at receiving. A workshop about receiving………just that one word. I agreed to do this workshop with Karen as I had done two other face to face workshops with her and totally trusted that she could guide me and the group through any challenges.”

“I didn’t know what I wanted or if I did have an idea, I didn’t know how to go about getting it. I wasn’t giving myself any personal ‘me time’ at all and I was feeling resentful. After doing this program I now have an inner knowing where I feel solid in my body and my body feels more connected to my mind. It feels as though they are in balance.”

“I am feeling much stronger in myself and my resolve to know how to receive and accept help and love. I have resources to go back to when I am feeling like I don’t remember or understand.”

“I have learnt that having limits/boundaries is ok. This in itself has helped me personally and in my work situation where I was very likely to say ‘yes’ when I should have been saying ‘no’.  Anyone, both make and female who work in the caring industries would benefit from this program. People who have been caring for others for so long they have lost sight of themselves. Young people who are obsessed with FACEBOOK and have judgements on what they think they should be for others. Young girls particularly.”

“If you desire to learn tools, gain knowledge and develop practices that assist in creating a Self-sovereign life based on healthy authentic relating this is the program I had unhealthy boundaries in relating that resulted in the adoption of over responsibility in all areas of life, and zero recognition of the rights of mySelf and my right/capacity to say ‘No’. Participating in this program has enabled me to begin to define my personal rights, and responsibility parameters and thus the opportunity to develop more authentic healthy boundaries.”

“If you desire the opportunity to access simple practical effective tools to live an authentic life under grace this is the program for you”

“Karen embodies integrity, is empathic, knowledgable and trustworthy. She creates a safe space to learn and grow. You are in ‘safe hands’ with Karen.”

“My favourite part was the yes/no exercises and what both my partner and I took away from that. Getting clearer on the ecstasy of a yes and the sinking feeling of a no was great.  It quickly impacted us positively at home and continues to. Also, Karen’s relaxed delivery – it was so unrigid when she said that napping under the table was still participating. That felt very freeing and supportive.”

“The yes no exercises were sometimes uncomfortable but that’s my stuff and using those lessons has been really useful.”

“I’m more present to the delight I can find in textures – a velvet cushion or smooth ceramic tile for example. Also Daniel and I are both clearer on saying an honest yes or no to requests, offers or invitations. We justify less and accept each other’s answers better.”

“I find Karen’s teaching style very warm, practical and easy to receive, and these ideas are very simple but rich and so grounding. I’d love to see this work get out there and can’t wait for the next instalment.”

“I’ve gained a piercing insight into the complexities of relationships and agreements!”

“I have taken this and applied it to my life – as a result I’ve seen my work and personal relationships change and become clearer. I feel freer and more powerful and more ‘optioned’ because of this work.”

“Exploring has been a joyful, freeing and creative process. I now feel I have a better sense of what I want, how to communicate that, and how to create more harmonious relationships.”

Contact Me about Radical Receiving

What if you could transform the “I’m not good enough” into “I am enough” in both your personal and professional life?

Are you ready to redefine your approach to giving and receiving in relationships? The Radical Receiving Program is your gateway to enhanced body awareness, pleasure, and sensation. Learn from expert facilitator Karen Austen and apply these skills to all your personal and professional relationships. Don’t miss this opportunity to build self-sovereignty and agency.

Contact me to start shaping a more pleasurable and connected life!